function Settings(){}
Settings.init = function(prefShortSymbol) {
Settings.prefShortSymbol = prefShortSymbol;
var coin_search_options = {
source: [],
autoSelect: true,
afterSelect: function(item) {
if (item.symbol != '') {
s =,'(') - 1); // no symbol
top.location.href = '/coin/' + item.symbol + '/' + s.replace(/ /g, '+');
} else {
top.location.href = '/exchange/' +;
highlighter: function(item) {return item;},
sorter: function(items) {
var symbolBegins = [];
var nameBegins = [];
var contains = [];
var query = this.query.toLowerCase();
var item;
while ((item = items.shift())) {
var symbol = item.symbol.toLowerCase();
var name =;
if (symbol.indexOf(query) == 0) {
} else if (name.indexOf(query) == 0) {
} else {
return symbolBegins.concat(nameBegins, contains);
function Selector_Cache() {
var collection = {};
function get_from_cache( selector ) {
if ( undefined === collection[ selector ] ) {
collection[ selector ] = $( selector );
return collection[ selector ];
function invalidate() {
collection = {};
return { get: get_from_cache, invalidate: invalidate };
var Generic = function() {
var handlePrefCoin = function() {
$('#pref_coin_id').change(function() {
$('#pref_coin_id').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
type: 'POST',
url: '/pref_coin_save',
data: 'pref_coin_id=' + $(this).val(),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
}).fail(function($xhr) {
var data = $xhr.responseJSON;
alertErr('.page-header', data.error);
var handleLights = function() {
$('.lights').click(function() {
var theme = '';
if ($('body').hasClass('dark')) {
theme = 'light';
} else {
theme = 'dark';
type: 'POST',
url: '/stars',
data: 'theme=' + theme,
dataType: 'json'
var handleStars = function() {
$('body').on('click', '.star-add', function() {
var classes = $(this).attr('class').split(' ');
var coin_id = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
if (classes[i].match(/star-\d+/)) {
coin_id = classes[i].substring(5);
if (coin_id > 0) {
$('body').on('click', '.star-del', function() {
classes = $(this).attr('class').split(' ');
var coin_id = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
if (classes[i].match(/star-\d+/)) {
coin_id = classes[i].substring(5);
if (coin_id == 0) {
return false;
var sel = '.star-' + coin_id;
$(sel).removeClass('fa-star starred star-del');
$(sel).addClass('fa-spin fa-spinner');
type: 'POST',
url: '/stars',
data: 'del=' + coin_id,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
$(sel).removeClass('fas fa-spin fa-spinner');
$(sel).addClass('fal fa-star unstarred star-add');
var tab = $('ul.nav.nav-tabs').attr('href').substr(1);
if (tab == 'starred') {
$('#starred').load(i18n.normalizeURL('/home_tab_load?tab=starred'), function() {
setTimeout(drawSmallCharts, 100); // make sure small charts are drawn later
}).fail(function($xhr) {
$(sel).removeClass('fa-spin fa-spinner');
$(sel).addClass('fa-star starred star-del');
var handleCoinList = function() {
$('body').on('click', '.clickable-coin-td', function(e) {
// if middle click, or control/command is pressed exit so we can open links in background tab
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE') > 0;
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || (!msie && e.button == 1) || (msie && e.button == 4)) {
var tr = $(this).parent('tr');
if (window.self !== {
var r = document.referrer.split('/');
var source = 'unknown';
if (r.length >= 3) {
var source = escape(r[2]);
} = tr.attr('coin_url') + '?utm_source=' + source + '&utm_medium=clwidget&utm_campaign=unknown';
} else {
window.location.href = tr.attr('coin_url');
var increaseVisitCounter = function() {
if (Generic.jsCookies.hasItem('RVCW')) {
rvcw = parseInt(Generic.jsCookies.getItem('RVCW'));
} else {
rvcw = 0;
now = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1000);
if (now > rvcw + 3600) {
if (Generic.jsCookies.hasItem('RVC')) {
rvc = parseInt(Generic.jsCookies.getItem('RVC'));
} else {
rvc = 0;
Generic.jsCookies.setItem('RVC', rvc + 1, Infinity, '/');
Generic.jsCookies.setItem('RVCW', now, Infinity, '/');
return {
jsCookies: {
getItem: function(sKey) {
return decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;)\\s*" + encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1")) || null;
setItem: function(sKey, sValue, vEnd, sPath, sDomain, bSecure) {
if (!sKey || /^(?:expires|max\-age|path|domain|secure)$/i.test(sKey)) { return false; }
var sExpires = "";
if (vEnd) {
switch (vEnd.constructor) {
case Number:
sExpires = vEnd === Infinity ? "; expires=Wed, 31 Dec 2031 15:00:00 GMT" : "; max-age=" + vEnd;
case String:
sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd;
case Date:
sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd.toUTCString();
document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sValue) + sExpires + (sDomain ? "; domain=" + sDomain : "") + (sPath ? "; path=" + sPath : "") + (bSecure ? "; secure" : "");
return true;
removeItem: function(sKey, sPath, sDomain) {
if (!sKey || !this.hasItem(sKey)) { return false; }
document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" + ( sDomain ? "; domain=" + sDomain : "") + ( sPath ? "; path=" + sPath : "");
return true;
hasItem: function(sKey) {
return (new RegExp("(?:^|;\\s*)" + encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=")).test(document.cookie);
showGenericMsg: function(title, body) {
$('#modal_generic .modal-content').hide();
init: function() {
// handlePrefCoin();
// handleLights();
// handleStars();
// // init quick search
// $.get('/searchable_items_json?v=' + searchable_items_version, 'json', function(data) {
// coin_search_options.source = data;
// $('#top_search').typeahead(coin_search_options);
// // also take care of starred quick search
// // NOTE: this will alter coin_search_options
// if (typeof Homepage !== 'undefined') {
// Homepage.handleStarredSearch();
// }
// });
this.selector = new Selector_Cache();
// $('.selectpicker').on('', function(e) {
// // make searchcoin visible
// $('#top_search').css('visibility', 'visible');
// });
initNotifications: function(id) {
if (Generic.jsCookies.hasItem('VC')) {
vc = parseInt(Generic.jsCookies.getItem('VC'));
} else {
vc = 0;
if (vc < id) {
// we have new notifs
$('.notifications a span').addClass('indicator');
$('.notifications a').click(function() {
Generic.jsCookies.setItem('VC', id, Infinity, '/');
$('.notifications a span').removeClass('indicator');
add_star: function(coin_id) {
var sel = '.star-' + coin_id;
$(sel).removeClass('fal fa-star star-add unstarred');
$(sel).addClass('fas fa-spin fa-spinner');
type: 'POST',
url: '/stars',
data: 'add=' + coin_id,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
$(sel).removeClass('fa-spin fa-spinner');
$(sel).addClass('fa-star starred star-del');
var tab = $('ul.nav.nav-tabs').attr('href').substr(1);
if (tab == 'starred') {
$('#starred').load(i18n.normalizeURL('/home_tab_load?tab=starred'), function() {
setTimeout(drawSmallCharts, 100); // make sure small charts are drawn later
}).fail(function($xhr) {
$(sel).removeClass('fas fa-spin fa-spinner');
$(sel).addClass('fal fa-star star-add unstarred');
blockUI: function(target) {
var options = {
message: '',
css: {
border: '1px solid gray',
padding: '10px 10px',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
width: '100px',
height: '100px'
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: '#555',
opacity: 0.5,
cursor: 'wait'
if (target) {
var el = $(target);
} else {
unblockUI: function(target) {
if (target) {
} else {
csrfAjax: function() {
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
if (originalOptions.type !== 'POST') {
if (typeof === 'string' || instanceof String) {
var csrf = 'csrf_token=' + window.csrf['csrf_token'];
if ( > 0) { += '&' + csrf;
} else { = csrf;
} else { = $.extend(, window.csrf); = $.param(;
checkCoinlibShare: function() {
if (Generic.jsCookies.hasItem('RVC')) {
rvc = parseInt(Generic.jsCookies.getItem('RVC'));
var showit = false;
if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
if (rvc == 40) {
showit = true;
} else {
if (rvc == 10) {
showit = true;
if (showit) {
Generic.jsCookies.setItem('RVC', rvc + 1, Infinity, '/'); // make sure we won't show it again on refresh
showCoinlibShare: function() {
/* Helpers */
function alertMsg(selector, msg) {
clearCustomMessage(; = setTimeout(function() {
clearCustomMessage(; = null;
}, 7000);
$(selector).append('' + msg + '
function alertErr(selector, msg) {
clearCustomMessage(; = setTimeout(function() {
clearCustomMessage(; = null;
}, 7000);
$(selector).append('' + msg + '
function clearCustomMessage(alertId) {
if (alertId != null) {
$('#custom_msg_' + alertId).remove();
function drawSmallCharts(skip_invisible) {
skip_invisible = defaultFor(skip_invisible, false);
var options = {
chart: {
type: 'area',
backgroundColor: undefined,
spacing: [0, 0, 0, 0], // otherwise it won't align nicely with text above it (home page - mobile)
plotOptions: {
area: {
lineWidth: 1,
marker: {enabled: false},
animation: false,
dataGrouping: {
enabled: true,
tooltip: {
useHTML: true,
formatter: function() {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%e %b %Y', this.x) + '
' + htmlDecode(Settings.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(this.point.y);
borderWidth: 1,
padding: 2,
valueDecimals: 2,
hideDelay: 100,
credits: false,
xAxis: {
visible: false,
type: 'datetime'
yAxis: [{visible: false,
alignTicks: false,
startOnTick: false,
endOnTick: false}],
title: {text: undefined},
legend: false,
var first = true; // hack
$('.small-chart').each(function() {
if (skip_invisible && !$(this).is(':visible')) {
var opt = clone(options); // make a deep copy
var data = $(this).attr('values').split(',').map(Number);
opt.plotOptions.series = {
pointStart: parseInt($(this).attr('date-start')) * 1000,
pointInterval: parseInt($(this).attr('point-interval')),
if ($(this).width() < 120) {
opt.tooltip.enabled = false;
opt.plotOptions.series.states = {hover: {enabled : false}};
if ($(this).attr('numberooltip') == '1') {
opt.tooltip.formatter =
function() {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%e %b %Y', this.x) + '
' + format_price(this.point.y);
} else if (parseInt($(this).attr('point-interval')) <= 60*1000) {
opt.tooltip.formatter =
function() {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%e %b %H:%M', this.x) + '
' + htmlDecode(Settings.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(this.point.y);
} else if (parseInt($(this).attr('point-interval')) < 24*60*60*1000) {
opt.tooltip.formatter =
function() {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%e %b %H:00', this.x) + '
' + htmlDecode(Settings.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(this.point.y);
opt.series = [{
data: data,
fillOpacity: 0.15,
marker: {
enabled: false
color: '#2ecc71',
negativeColor: '#e74c3c',
threshold: $(this).attr('threshold') == undefined ? data[0] : parseFloat($(this).attr('threshold'))
opt.yAxis.plotLines = [
{ color: '#888888',
width: 1,
value: data[0]
var ch = new Highcharts.Chart(this, opt);
// Removing this makes the 1st chart in homepage smaller some times :/
if (first) {
first = false;
$('.small-live-chart').each(function() {
var t = this;
var interval = 10 * 60000; // 10 minutes
if (parseInt($(this).attr('point-interval')) <= 60000) {
interval = 3 * 60000; // 3 minutes if hourly
setTimeout(function() {
setInterval(function() { update_chart(t) }, interval);
}, Math.round(30000 + Math.random() * 30000));
function async_update_small_charts() {
// called when socket reconnects to refresh small live charts
const updatePromises = [];
$('.small-live-chart').each(function() {
Promise.all(updatePromises).then(() => {
console.log('All charts updated');
function async_update_chart(chart) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!$(chart).is(':visible')) {
type: 'GET',
url: '/api/sc',
data: 'fsym=' + $(chart).attr('fsym') + '&tsym=' + $(chart).attr('tsym') + '&days=' + $(chart).attr('days'),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
var hc = $(chart).highcharts();
if (!hc) {
data['data'] = data['data'].map(Number);
data: data['data'],
threshold: data['data'][0],
pointStart: new Date(data['date_start']).getTime()
}, false);
hc.yAxis[0].setExtremes(Math.min.apply(null, data['data']), Math.max.apply(null, data['data']), false);
hc.redraw(); // only redraw once, the above functions better have redraw=false
}).fail(function() {
function update_small_charts() {
// called when socket reconnects to refresh small live charts
var i = 0;
$('.small-live-chart').each(function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout(function() { update_chart(t); }, i * 1000); // max 1 update / sec
function update_chart(chart) {
if (!$(chart).is(':visible')) {
type: 'GET',
url: '/api/sc',
data: 'fsym=' + $(chart).attr('fsym') + '&tsym=' + $(chart).attr('tsym') + '&days=' + $(chart).attr('days'),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
var hc = $(chart).highcharts();
if (!hc) {
data['data'] = data['data'].map(Number);
data: data['data'],
threshold: data['data'][0],
pointStart: new Date(data['date_start']).getTime()
}, false);
hc.yAxis[0].setExtremes(Math.min.apply(null, data['data']), Math.max.apply(null, data['data']), false);
hc.redraw(); // only redraw once, the above functions better have redraw=false
function update_value(element, new_value, colored, bolded) {
var cl = '';
var font_classes = '';
var old_value = element.html();
// we do this always to make sure new_value is HTML encoded ie euro symbol to €, same spaces etc
new_value = element.html();
if (old_value) {
old_value = old_value.replace(/ /g, ' ');
if (new_value) {
new_value = new_value.replace(/ /g, ' ');
if (new_value != old_value) {
if (old_value == '') return;
var dimmed = element.hasClass('dimmed');
if (new_value > old_value) {
if (colored) {
cl = 'up ';
if (bolded) cl += 'sbold ';
if (bolded || colored) element.addClass(cl);
} else if (new_value < old_value) {
if (colored) {
cl = 'down ';
if (bolded) cl += 'sbold ';
if (bolded || colored) element.addClass(cl);
if (bolded || colored) setTimeout(function () { element.removeClass('up down sbold'); if (dimmed) element.addClass('dimmed'); }, 1500);
function format_large_number(number, high_accuracy) {
high_accuracy = defaultFor(high_accuracy, false);
if (!$.isNumeric(number)) {
return '0';
if (number <= 10000) {
if (!high_accuracy) {
return number.toFixed(1).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,').replace(/\..*/g, '');
} else {
return format_price(number);
if (number >= 1000000000000) {
return (Math.round(number / 10000000000.0) / 100.0).toFixed(2) + ' T';
if (number >= 1000000000) {
return (Math.round(number / 10000000.0) / 100.0).toFixed(2) + ' B';
if (number >= 1000000) {
return (Math.round(number / 10000.0) / 100.0).toFixed(2) + ' M';
if (number >= 10000) {
return (Math.round(number / 10.0) / 100.0).toFixed(0) + 'K';
function format_price(price, no_commas, extra_precision, no_decimals_after) {
no_commas = defaultFor(no_commas, false);
no_decimals_after = defaultFor(no_decimals_after, 100000);
extra_precision = defaultFor(extra_precision, 0);
if (!price) {
return '0';
if (price < 0) {
return '-' + format_price(-price, no_commas);
price = parseFloat(price);
if (price > -1 && price < 1) {
d = Math.ceil(-Math.log10(Math.abs(price)) + 2)
if (d >= 5) d = 8; // if < 0.001 show 8 decimals
decimals = (price % 1).toFixed(15);
r = decimals.substring(0, d + 2 + extra_precision);
if (extra_precision > 0) {
return r.replace(/0+$/, '');
return r;
if (price > -10 && price < 10) {
return price.toFixed(3);
if (price > no_decimals_after) {
r = price.toFixed(1).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,').replace(/\..*/g, '');
} else {
r = price.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,');
if (no_commas) {
r = r.replace(/,/g, '');
return r;
// This price is used in form fields (ie portfolio).
var tests = [
[999.999998, "1000"],
[999.99999, "999.99999"],
[0.100000008, "0.100000008"],
[0.100000001, "0.100000001"],
[1.100000001, "1.1"],
[0.1000000008, "0.1"],
[1234.50002, "1234.50002"],
[1234.500009, "1234.500009"],
[1234567.50301, "1234567.503"],
[1234567.50309, "1234567.5031"],
[0.00000001, "0.00000001"],
[0.000000001, "0.000000001"],
[10.3729999999999, "10.373"],
[0.99999999, "0.99999999"],
[0.999999998, "1"],
[110.99999999, "111"],
[110.49999999, "110.5"],
for (t of tests) {
if (format_price_exact(t[0]) != t[1])
console.log(t[0], t[1], format_price_exact(t[0]));
function format_price_exact(price) {
if (!$.isNumeric(price)) {
return 0;
price = parseFloat(price);
if (price < 0) {
return '-' + format_price_exact(-price);
whole_digits = price < 1 ? 0 : Math.floor(price).toString().length;
fixed = price.toFixed(Math.max(8 - whole_digits, 4)); // round to up to 8 digits
fixed = fixed.replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, ''); // remove trailing zeroes
d = (parseFloat(fixed) / price).toFixed(8);
if (parseFloat(d) == 1) {
return fixed;
if (price.toString().indexOf('e') == -1) {
r = price.toString();
} else {
r = price.toFixed(20);
r = r.substring(0, whole_digits + 1 + 10); // 1 for the . and up to 10 precision
r = r.replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, ''); // remove trailing zeroes
return r;
function filter_pie_data(data, pct_threshold) {
pct_threshold = defaultFor(pct_threshold, 4);
data.sort(function(a, b) { return b[1] - a[1]; });
var sum = 0;
for (var ix = 0; ix < data.length; ++ix) {
sum += data[ix][1];
var filtered_data = [];
var other = 0;
for (var ix = 0; ix < data.length; ++ix) {
if (data[ix][1] * 100.0 / sum < pct_threshold) {
other += data[ix][1];
} else {
if (other > 0) {
filtered_data.push(['Other', other]);
return filtered_data;
function htmlDecode(value) {
return $('').html(value).text();
function htmlEncode(value) {
return $('').text(value).html();
function get_pie_chart(container, data, prefShortSymbol) {
Highcharts.chart(container, {
responsive: {
rules: [{
condition: {
maxWidth: 500
chartOptions: {
chart: {
spacing: [10,0,10,0]
chart: {
type: 'pie',
backgroundColor: undefined,
credits: { enabled: false },
title: {
text: ''
tooltip: {
useHTML: true,
formatter: function() {
return + ': ' + htmlDecode(prefShortSymbol) + ' ' + format_large_number(this.point.y) + ' (' + (Math.round(this.point.percentage*10)/10) + '%)';
plotOptions: {
pie: {
minSize: 400,
innerSize: 100,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
distance: -40,
style: {
fontSize: '12px',
fontWeight: 'regular',
color: 'white',
textOutline: 0,
series: [{
name: _t('Volume'),
data: data
function get_short_symbol(coin_id) {
return window.ALL_COINS_ != undefined ? window.ALL_COINS_[coin_id] : '';
function defaultFor(arg, val) {
return typeof arg !== 'undefined' ? arg : val;
// useless IE <=11
Math.log10 = Math.log10 || function(x) {
return Math.log(x) * Math.LOG10E;
// return a deep copy of an item
function clone(obj) {
var copy;
// Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined
if (null == obj || 'object' != typeof obj) {
return obj;
// Handle Date
if (obj instanceof Date) {
copy = new Date();
return copy;
// Handle Array
if (obj instanceof Array) {
copy = [];
for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
copy[i] = clone(obj[i]);
return copy;
// Handle Object
if (obj instanceof Object) {
copy = {};
for (var attr in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]);
return copy;
throw new Error('Unable to copy obj! Its type is not supported.');
function get_timestamp() {
if (! { = function() { return new Date().getTime(); }
return Math.floor( / 1000);
function get_percent(a, b, decimals, formatted, delta) {
decimals = defaultFor(decimals, 2);
formatted = defaultFor(formatted, false);
delta = defaultFor(delta, true);
if (b != 0) {
p = (delta ? (parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b)) : parseFloat(a)) * 100.0 / parseFloat(b);
p = p.toFixed(decimals);
if (parseFloat(p) == 0) {
p = 0;
p = p.toFixed(decimals);
if (formatted && p > 0) p = '+' + p;
return p;
return 0;
function updateGraphCustomLabels(label, chart, prefShortSymbol, suffix, format_fn) {
suffix = defaultFor(suffix, '');
format_fn = defaultFor(format_fn, format_price);
var last = undefined;
var first = undefined;
for (var ix = chart.series[0].points.length - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
if (chart.series[0].points[ix] != undefined) {
last = chart.series[0].points[ix].y;
for (var ix = 0; ix < chart.series[0].points.length; ix++) {
if (chart.series[0].points[ix] != undefined) {
first = chart.series[0].points[ix].y;
var pcnt = get_percent(last, first, 2, true);
var low = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, high = 0;
for (ix = 0; ix < chart.series[0].points.length; ix++) {
if (chart.series[0].points[ix] != undefined) {
var cur = chart.series[0].points[ix].y;
low = Math.min(low, cur);
high = Math.max(high, cur);
var totalvolume = 0;
for (var six = 0; six < chart.series.length; six++) {
if (chart.series[six] == 'mainvolume') {
for (ix = 0; ix < chart.series[six].points.length; ix++) {
if (chart.series[six].points[ix] != undefined) {
totalvolume += chart.series[six].points[ix].y;
text: ' D:' + pcnt + '% L/H:' + format_fn(low) + suffix + ' / ' + format_fn(high) + suffix +
((totalvolume > 0) ?
(' V:' + prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(totalvolume) + suffix) : '') +
function SocketInterface() {}
SocketInterface.init = function(hostport, initial_subscriptions, initial_handlers, log_outsize_after_mins, reconnect_attempts) {
log_outsize_after_mins = defaultFor(log_outsize_after_mins, 0);
reconnect_attempts = defaultFor(reconnect_attempts, Infinity);
initial_subscriptions = defaultFor(
initial_subscriptions, {'trades': {}, 'avgprice': {}, 'mktcap': {}});
initial_handlers = defaultFor(
initial_handlers, {'trades': {}, 'avgprice': {}, 'mktcap': {}});
SocketInterface.hostport = hostport;
SocketInterface.subscriptions = initial_subscriptions;
SocketInterface.handlers = initial_handlers;
SocketInterface.disconnect_time = 0;
SocketInterface.connects = 0;
SocketInterface.disconnect_time = get_timestamp();
SocketInterface.log_outsize_after_mins = log_outsize_after_mins;
if (SocketInterface.log_outsize_after_mins) {
function() {
console.log('Total streamed bytes within the first ' + SocketInterface.log_outsize_after_mins +
' minutes: ' + SocketInterface.total_bytes);
}, 60000 * SocketInterface.log_outsize_after_mins);
SocketInterface.total_bytes = 0;
SocketInterface.on_reconnect_handler = function() {
SocketInterface.reset = function(subs, handlers) {
SocketInterface.subscriptions = subs;
SocketInterface.handlers = handlers;
function getParentSiteUrl() {
const referrerUrl = document.referrer;
if (referrerUrl === "") {
return window.location.hostname;
const url = new URL(referrerUrl);
return url.hostname;
SocketInterface.connect = function () {
SocketInterface.socket = io.connect(SocketInterface.hostport, {
transports: ['websocket'],
reconnection: true, reconnectionDelay: 1000,
reconnectionDelayMax : 3000,
reconnectionAttempts: Infinity,
query: {
refref: getParentSiteUrl()
SocketInterface.socket.on('trades', function(data) {
SocketInterface.socket.on('multi_trades', function(dataarray) {
for (var i = 0; i < dataarray.length; i++) {
SocketInterface.socket.on('avgprice', function(data) {
SocketInterface.socket.on('multi_avgprice', function(dataarray) {
for (var i = 0; i < dataarray.length; i++) {
SocketInterface.socket.on('mktcap', function(data) {
SocketInterface.socket.on('connect', function() {
if (SocketInterface.connects == 1) {
} else {
if (SocketInterface.connects > 1 && get_timestamp() - SocketInterface.disconnect_time > 120) {
// only do this if it's a reconnect and we've been disconnected for more than 2 minutes
if (SocketInterface.on_reconnect_handler) SocketInterface.on_reconnect_handler();
SocketInterface.socket.on('disconnect', function () {
SocketInterface.disconnect_time = get_timestamp();
SocketInterface.send_subscriptions_sync = function() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/api/streams',
data: 'req=' + JSON.stringify(SocketInterface.subscriptions),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
for (var rtype in data) {
for (var ix in data[rtype]) {
row = data[rtype][ix];
if (rtype == 'trade') {
} else if (rtype == 'avgprice') {
} else if (rtype == 'mktcap') {
SocketInterface.get_signature = function (subs) {
var signature = 0
var salt = 8263
for (var iy in subs) {
var v = subs[iy];
for (var ix = 1; ix < v.length; ix++) {
signature += (parseInt(v[ix]) * salt) % 1000000;
return signature;
// subs = array of [from_coin_id, to_coin_id, exchange_id, force_real_pair, pref_coin_id]
SocketInterface.add_trade_subscriptions = function(subs) {
multi = [];
for (var ix in subs) {
var s = subs[ix]
sub_str = "[" + s[0] + "," + s[1] + "," + s[2] + "," + s[3] + "," + s[4] + "]";
SocketInterface.subscriptions['trades'][sub_str] = 0;
multi.push(['trades', s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]]);
SocketInterface.socket.emit('multi_subscribe', multi, SocketInterface.get_signature(multi));
SocketInterface.add_trade_subscription = function(
from_coin_id, to_coin_id, exchange_id, force_real_pair, pref_coin_id) {
sub = "[" + from_coin_id + "," + to_coin_id + "," + exchange_id +
"," + force_real_pair + "," + pref_coin_id + "]";
SocketInterface.subscriptions['trades'][sub] = 0;
multi = [["trades", from_coin_id, to_coin_id, exchange_id, force_real_pair, pref_coin_id]];
'multi_subscribe', multi, SocketInterface.get_signature(multi));
SocketInterface.add_avgprice_subscription = function (
from_coin_id, to_coin_id, pref_coin_id) {
sub = "[" + from_coin_id + "," + to_coin_id + "," + pref_coin_id + "]";
SocketInterface.subscriptions['avgprice'][sub] = 0;
multi = [["avgprice", from_coin_id, to_coin_id, pref_coin_id]];
'multi_subscribe', multi, SocketInterface.get_signature(multi))
SocketInterface.add_mktcap_subscription = function (pref_coin_id) {
sub = "["+ pref_coin_id + "]";
SocketInterface.subscriptions['mktcap'][sub] = 0;
multi = [["mktcap", pref_coin_id]];
'multi_subscribe', multi, SocketInterface.get_signature(multi));
SocketInterface.add_trade_handler = function(
from_coin_id, to_coin_id, exchange_id, callback) {
sub = "[" + from_coin_id + "," + to_coin_id + "," + exchange_id + "]";
if (SocketInterface.handlers['trades'][sub] == undefined) {
SocketInterface.handlers['trades'][sub] = [];
SocketInterface.add_avgprice_handler = function (from_coin_id, to_coin_id, callback) {
sub = "[" + from_coin_id + "," + to_coin_id + "]";
if (SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice'][sub] == undefined) {
SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice'][sub] = [];
SocketInterface.add_raw_trade_handler = function (callback) {
if (SocketInterface.handlers['trades']['raw'] == undefined) {
SocketInterface.handlers['trades']['raw'] = [];
SocketInterface.add_raw_avgprice_handler = function (callback) {
if (SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice']['raw'] == undefined) {
SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice']['raw'] = [];
SocketInterface.add_mktcap_handler = function (callback) {
if (SocketInterface.handlers['mktcap']['raw'] == undefined) {
SocketInterface.handlers['mktcap']['raw'] = [];
SocketInterface.send_subscriptions = function () {
var multi_subscribe = [];
for (var s_type in SocketInterface.subscriptions) {
for (var s_vector in SocketInterface.subscriptions[s_type]) {
v = [s_type];
v.push.apply(v, JSON.parse(s_vector));
if (s_type == 'avgprice' && SocketInterface.subscriptions[s_type][s_vector] > 1) {
v.push.apply(v, [SocketInterface.subscriptions[s_type][s_vector]]);
SocketInterface.socket.emit('multi_subscribe', multi_subscribe, SocketInterface.get_signature(multi_subscribe));
SocketInterface.handle_trade = function (data) {
if (SocketInterface.log_outsize_after_mins) {
SocketInterface.total_bytes += JSON.stringify(data).length;
exchange_id = data[0];
from_coin_id = data[1];
to_coin_id = data[2];
at = Math.floor( / 1000); // used to be `at = data[3];` but streamer currently always sends 0
price = data[4];
volume = data[5];
volume24_from = data[6];
volume24_to = data[7];
delta24 = data[8];
high = data[9];
low = data[10];
from_to_pref_rate = data[11];
if (SocketInterface.handlers['trades']['raw'] != undefined) {
for (var ix in SocketInterface.handlers['trades']['raw']) {
for (sub in SocketInterface.handlers['trades']) {
if (sub == '[' + from_coin_id + ',' + to_coin_id + ']') {
for (var ix in SocketInterface.handlers['trades'][sub]) {
SocketInterface.handle_avgprice = function (data) {
if (SocketInterface.log_outsize_after_mins) {
SocketInterface.total_bytes += JSON.stringify(data).length;
from_coin_id = data[0];
to_coin_id = data[1];
price = data[2];
at = Math.floor( / 1000); // used to be `at = data[3];` but streamer currently always sends 0
delta24pct = data[4];
volume24_from = data[5];
volume24_to = data[6];
current_supply = data[7];
max_supply = data[8];
desc = data[9];
high24 = data[10];
low24 = data[11];
marketcap = data[12];
from_to_pref_rate = data[13];
pref_coin_id = data[14];
total_volume24f = data[15];
total_volume24t = data[16];
total_volume1t = data[17];
total_volume7t = data[18];
total_volume30t = data[19];
delta1pct = data[20];
delta7pct = data[21];
delta30pct = data[22];
is_direct_pair = data[23];
if (SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice']['raw'] != undefined) {
for (var ix in SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice']['raw']) {
for (sub in SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice']) {
if (sub == '[' + from_coin_id + ',' + to_coin_id + ']') {
for (var ix in SocketInterface.handlers['avgprice'][sub]) {
SocketInterface.handle_mktcap = function (data) {
if (SocketInterface.log_outsize_after_mins) {
SocketInterface.total_bytes += JSON.stringify(data).length;
total_market_cap = data[0];
btc_market_cap = data[1];
total_volume24 = data[2];
if (SocketInterface.handlers['mktcap']['raw'] != undefined) {
for (var ix in SocketInterface.handlers['mktcap']['raw']) {
SocketInterface.heartbeat = function(type) {
return; // disabled
type: 'POST',
url: '/hb',
data: 'type=' + type + '&sid=' + + '&url=' + window.location.pathname,
dataType: 'json'
var Homepage = function() {
var reordering;
var stop_streamer_updates = false; // set this to true to stop avgprice_handler()
var handleHomepage = function() {
$('.nav-tabs a').click(function() {
// empty all tabs, so we don't keep all data+charts for the hidden tabs
// show loader
var tab = $(this).attr('href').replace('#', '');
$('#' + tab).html(' '+ _t("Loading...") +'
stop_streamer_updates = true;
// load
$('#' + tab).load(i18n.normalizeURL('/home_tab_load?tab=' + tab), function() {
setTimeout(drawSmallCharts, 100); // make sure small charts are drawn later
stop_streamer_updates = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
// save preference
type: 'POST',
url: '/stars',
data: 'tab=' + tab,
dataType: 'json'
return {
init: function() {
global: {
useUTC: false
initFilters: function() {
// Un-disable form fields when page loads, in case they click back after submission
$('form#filters').find(':input').prop('disabled', false);
setFilters: function() {
// include all selected fields in one parameter
var arr = [];
$('form#filters input:checked[name=field]').each(function() {
$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('form#filters input[name=fields]').val(arr.join('-'));
// disable empty fields so they won't go into the query string
$('form#filters').find(':input').filter(function() {
return !this.value;
}).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if (window.location.pathname == '/') {
return false;
} else {
return true;
handleStarredSearch: function() {
// only keep coins
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < coin_search_options.source.length; i++) {
item = coin_search_options.source[i];
if (item.symbol != '') {
coin_search_options.source = data;
coin_search_options.afterSelect = function(item) {
$('#starred-search-form i.fa-search').removeClass('fa-search').addClass('fa-spin fa-sync');
$('#starred-search-form .input-group').css('left', '');
changePeriod: function(pref_period) {
var btn = '';
var html = $(btn).html();
$(btn).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
stop_streamer_updates = true;
type: 'POST',
url: i18n.normalizeURL('/pref_period_save'),
data: 'pref_period=' + pref_period,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
if ($('#top').length) {
// if in home make sure active tab is reloaded
var tab = $('ul.nav.nav-tabs').attr('href').substr(1);
$('#' + tab).load(i18n.normalizeURL('/home_tab_load?tab=' + tab), function() {
setTimeout(drawSmallCharts, 100); // make sure small charts are drawn later
stop_streamer_updates = false;
} else {
}).fail(function($xhr) {
var data = $xhr.responseJSON;
alertErr('.container:has(table.coinlist)', data.error);
stop_streamer_updates = false;
return false;
setOrder: function(pref_order) {
if (reordering == true) {
return false;
reordering = true;
stop_streamer_updates = true;
var cur_order = (pref_order == 'marketcap' ? 'volume' : 'marketcap');
var sel = 'table.coinlist th i.order-' + pref_order;
var sel2 = '.coinlist-footer-controls a.order';
$(sel).addClass('fa-spin fa-spinner');
$(sel).css('color', '#333');
$(sel2).append(' ');
type: 'POST',
url: '/pref_order_save',
data: 'pref_order=' + pref_order,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
if ($('#top').length) {
// if in home make sure active tab is reloaded
var tab = $('ul.nav.nav-tabs').attr('href').substr(1);
$('#' + tab).load(i18n.normalizeURL('/home_tab_load?tab=' + tab), function() {
setTimeout(drawSmallCharts, 100); // make sure small charts are drawn later
reordering = false;
stop_streamer_updates = false;
} else {
}).fail(function($xhr) {
var data = $xhr.responseJSON;
alertErr('.container:has(table.coinlist)', data.error);
$(sel).removeClass('fa-spin fa-spinner');
$(sel2 + ' i').remove();
reordering = false;
stop_streamer_updates = false;
return false;
refreshTopBoxes: function(total_market_cap, btc_market_cap, total_volume) {
// mcap
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.top_b_mcap a'),
format_large_number(total_market_cap), true, false);
// btc
if (total_market_cap > 0) {
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.top_b_btc a'),
(btc_market_cap / total_market_cap * 100).toFixed(2) + '%', true, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.top_b_btc .stat-note'),
'BTC: ' + Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(btc_market_cap), false, false);
// vol
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.top_b_vol a'),
format_large_number(total_volume), true, false);
toggleFilters: function() {
if ($('#filters').is(':visible')) {
} else {
copyURL: function(el) {
var textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); = 'fixed'; = 0; = 0; = '2em'; = '2em'; = 0; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'transparent';
textArea.value = window.location.href;
$(el).removeClass('btn-secondary').addClass('btn-success').html('Link copied');
saveCustomSearch: function() {
stop_streamer_updates = true;
type: 'POST',
url: '/custom_tab_search_save',
data: $('form#filters').serialize(),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
$('#custom').load(i18n.normalizeURL('/home_tab_load?tab=custom'), function() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
stop_streamer_updates = false;
setTimeout(drawSmallCharts, 1000); // make sure small charts are drawn later (needs a bit more time here)
}).fail(function($xhr) {
var data = $xhr.responseJSON;
alertErr('#custom', data.error);
stop_streamer_updates = false;
return false;
Homepage.avgprice_handler = function(from_coin_id, price, delta, pref_coin_id, total_volume24f,
total_volume, from_to_pref_rate, marketcap) {
if (Homepage.stop_streamer_updates) return;
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.avgprice-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_price(price), true, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.avgprice-' + from_coin_id + '-' + pref_coin_id), get_short_symbol(pref_coin_id) + ' ' +
format_price(price * from_to_pref_rate), true, false);
if (delta >= 0) {
Generic.selector.get('.delta-' + from_coin_id).addClass('up').removeClass('down');
delta = '+' + parseFloat(delta).toFixed(2);
} else {
Generic.selector.get('.delta-' + from_coin_id).removeClass('up').addClass('down');
delta = parseFloat(delta).toFixed(2);
if (delta.indexOf('null') == -1) {
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.delta-' + from_coin_id), delta + '%', false, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.volume-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(total_volume), false, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.volume24f-' + from_coin_id), get_short_symbol(from_coin_id) + ' ' + format_large_number(total_volume24f), false, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.marketcap-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(marketcap), false, false);
Homepage.delta_handler = function(fld, delta) {
if (delta >= 0) {
if (delta > 1) {
delta = '+' + format_price(delta);
} else {
delta = '+' + delta;
} else {
if (delta < -1) {
delta = format_price(delta);
if (delta.indexOf('null') == -1) {
update_value(Generic.selector.get(fld), delta + '%', false, false);
Homepage.avgprice_handler_coins = function(from_coin_id, price, marketcap,
total_volume1t, total_volume24t, total_volume7t, total_volume30t,
delta1pct, delta24pct, delta7pct, delta30pct) {
if (Homepage.stop_streamer_updates) return;
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.avgprice-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_price(price), true, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.marketcap-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(marketcap), false, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.volume1-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(total_volume1t), false, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.volume24-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(total_volume24t), false, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.volume7-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(total_volume7t), false, false);
update_value(Generic.selector.get('.volume30-' + from_coin_id), Settings.prefShortSymbol + format_large_number(total_volume30t), false, false);
Homepage.delta_handler('.delta1-' + from_coin_id, delta1pct);
Homepage.delta_handler('.delta24-' + from_coin_id, delta24pct);
Homepage.delta_handler('.delta7-' + from_coin_id, delta7pct);
Homepage.delta_handler('.delta30-' + from_coin_id, delta30pct);
function CoinChart() {}
CoinChart.init = function(fromSymbol, fromShowSymbol, fromShortSymbol, prefSymbol, prefShortSymbol) {
CoinChart.fromSymbol = fromSymbol;
CoinChart.fromShowSymbol = fromShowSymbol;
CoinChart.fromShortSymbol = fromShortSymbol;
CoinChart.prefSymbol = prefSymbol;
CoinChart.prefShortSymbol = prefShortSymbol;
global: {
useUTC: false
CoinChart.chartType = null;
CoinChart.isLog = false;
CoinChart.chartShowsAvg = true;
CoinChart.chartSelectLast = $('#chart-select option:selected').val();
$('#log-chart-switch').change(function() {
var chart = $('#historical-chart').highcharts();
if (!chart) return;
if (this.checked) {
CoinChart.isLog = true;
chart.update({yAxis: [{type: 'logarithmic'}, {type: 'linear',floor: 0}, {type: 'logarithmic'}, {type: 'logarithmic'}]})
chart.yAxis[3].update({tickPositions:[Math.log10(CoinChart.current_price) ]});
} else {
CoinChart.isLog = false;
chart.update({yAxis: [{type: 'linear'}, {type: 'linear', floor: 0}, {type: 'linear'}, {type: 'linear'}]})
$('#ohlc-chart-switch').change(function() {
var chart = $('#historical-chart').highcharts();
if (!chart) return;
if (this.checked) {
var need_refresh;
need_refresh = false;
if ($('#chart-select option:selected').length > 0) {
$('#chart-select option:selected').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() != CoinChart.chartSelectLast) {
need_refresh = true;
$("#chart-select").multiselect('deselect', $(this).val());
if ($('#chart-select option:selected').length == 0) {
$('#chart-select').multiselect('select', -1);
CoinChart.chartSelectLast = -1;
need_refresh = true;
chart.series[0].update({type: 'candlestick'}, true);
CoinChart.chartType = 'candlestick';
if (need_refresh) CoinChart.select_chart([CoinChart.chartSelectLast]);
} else {
CoinChart.chartType = 'area';
chart.series[0].update({type: 'area'}, true);
// save preference
type: 'POST',
url: '/stars',
data: 'candle=' + (this.checked ? 1 : 0),
dataType: 'json'
$('#chart-options-btn').on('click', function(event) {
buttonClass: 'btn btn-secondary',
templates: {
li: '',
enableCaseInsensitiveFiltering: true,
dropRight: true,
enableHTML: true,
maxHeight: 300,
disabledText: 'Average',
onChange: function(option, checked, select) {
if ($('#historical-chart').highcharts().series[0].type == 'candlestick') {
$("#chart-select").multiselect('select', option.val());
$("#chart-select").multiselect('deselect', CoinChart.chartSelectLast);
CoinChart.chartSelectLast = option.val();
var selected = [];
var chartshowsavg = false;
$('#chart-select option:selected').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == -1) chartshowsavg = true;
if (selected.length == 0) {
$('#chart-select').multiselect('select', -1);
CoinChart.chartSelectLast = -1;
chartshowsavg = true;
} else {
CoinChart.chartShowsAvg = chartshowsavg;
CoinChart.draw_historic_chart = function(candleView) {
CoinChart.chartType = candleView ? 'candlestick' : 'area';
if ($('#historical-chart').length == 0) return;
$.getJSON('/api/history?f=' + CoinChart.fromSymbol + '&t=' + CoinChart.prefSymbol + '&callback=?', function(data) {
var price = [];
var otherprice = [];
var uts = [];
var volume = [];
var minValue = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
var minOtherValue = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
var ix = 0;
var other_coin_id = data['other'];
var other_coin_symbol = data['other_symbol'];
for (var ut in data['data']) {
d = data['data'][ut];
if (ix == 1) {
//skip first value (otherwise clicking on all won't reflect a range change)
if (d[-1][0] < minValue) minValue = d[-1][0];
if (d[-1][0] == "null") {
price.push([parseInt(ut), null, null, null, null]);
} else {
price.push([parseInt(ut), d[-1][2], d[-1][3], d[-1][4], d[-1][0]]);
volume.push([parseInt(ut), d[-1][1] == "null" ? null : d[-1][1]]);
if (other_coin_id) {
otherprice.push([parseInt(ut), d['c' + data['other']][0] == "null" ? null : d['c' + data['other']][0]]);
if (d['c' + data['other']][0] < minOtherValue) minOtherValue = d['c' + data['other']][0];
// create the chart
lang: {
rangeSelectorZoom: ''
Highcharts.stockChart('historical-chart', {
responsive: {
rules: [{
condition: {
maxWidth: 768
chartOptions: {
chart: {
spacing: [10,0,10,0]
chart: {
zoomType: 'x',
pinchType : 'none',
events: {
load: function() {
CoinChart.graph_delta = this.renderer.label('', 7, 40, null, null, null, true).css(
fontSize: '0.8em'
setInterval(function() { CoinChart.maybeRefreshChart(); }, 30000);
if (data['defaultview']) {
} else {
credits: {
enabled: false
scrollbar: {
enabled: false,
liveRedraw: false
// effective disabled but not really due to highstock bug
navigator : {
adaptToUpdatedData: false,
series : {
data : uts
height: 0,
xAxis: {
labels: {
enabled: false
handles: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
borderColor: 'transparent'
outlineWidth: 0
rangeSelector: {
buttons: [
type: 'hour',
count: 1,
text: _t('1h'),
}, {
type: 'day',
count: 1,
text: _t('1d'),
}, {
type: 'day',
count: 6,
text: _t('7d'),
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 1,
text: _t('1m'),
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 3,
text: _t('3m'),
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 6,
text: _t('6m'),
}, {
type: 'ytd',
count: 1,
text: _t('YTD'),
}, {
type: 'year',
count: 1,
text: _t('1y'),
}, {
type: 'all',
text: _t('All'),
inputEnabled: true
xAxis: {
events: {
afterSetExtremes: CoinChart.afterSetExtremes
gridLineColor: '#eeeeee',
minRange: 600 * 1000 // 10 minutes
yAxis: [
tickLength: 0,
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(this.value);
align: 'right',
x: 0
title: {
text: null,
top: '3%',
height: '97%',
lineWidth: 0,
min: minValue,
alignTicks: false,
startOnTick: false,
endOnTick: false,
gridLineColor: 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.1)',
}, {
visible: false,
title: {
text: _t('Volume')
top: '65%',
height: '35%',
offset: 0,
min: 0
}, {
gridLineColor: 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.1)',
visible: true,
opposite: false,
tickLength: 0,
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return format_price(this.value);
align: 'left',
x: 0
title: {
text: null,
height: '100%',
lineWidth: 0,
min: minOtherValue,
tickLength: 0,
tickPositions:[price[price.length - 1][4]],
gridLineWidth: 1,
gridLineColor: '#2e7ad0',
labels: {
useHTML: true,
align: 'right',
x: 0,
y: -30,
formatter: function() {
return '' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(this.value) + '';
tooltip: {
split: true,
useHTML: true,
formatter: function () {
if ($('#historical-chart').highcharts().series[0].type != 'candlestick') {
s = '' + Highcharts.dateFormat('%d %b, %Y %H:%M', this.points[0].x) + '';
for (ix = 0; ix < this.points.length; ++ix) {
if (this.points[ix] != 'mainvolume') {
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ': | ' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_large_number(this.points[ix].y, true) + ' |
} else if (this.points[ix] == 666) {
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ' ' + _t('price:') + ' | ' + format_price(this.points[ix].y) + ' |
} else {
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ' ' + _t('price:') + ' | ' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(this.points[ix].y) + ' |
s += '
} else {
s = '' + Highcharts.dateFormat('%d %b, %Y %H:%M', this.points[0].x) + '';
for (ix = 0; ix < this.points.length; ++ix) {
if (this.points[ix] != 'mainvolume') {
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ': | ' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_large_number(this.points[ix].y, true) + ' |
} else if (this.points[ix] == 666) {
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ' ' + _t('price:') + ' | ' + format_price(this.points[ix].y) + ' |
} else {
var yData;
if (!this.points[0].series.groupedData && this.points[0] {
yData = this.points[0].point;
} else {
for (var index = 0; index < this.points[0].series.groupedData.length; index++) {
if (this.points[0].series.groupedData[index] != undefined && this.points[0].series.groupedData[index].x == this.points[0].x) break;
yData = this.points[0].series.groupedData[index];
if (!yData) return;
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ' '+_t('Open:')+' | ' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_price( + ' |
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ' '+_t('High:')+' | ' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(yData.high) + ' |
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ' '+_t('Low:')+' | ' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(yData.low) + ' |
s += '' + this.points[ix] + ' '+_t('Close:')+' | ' + htmlDecode(CoinChart.prefShortSymbol) + format_price(yData.close) + ' |
s += '
return s;
plotOptions: {
column: {
borderColor: 'rgba(132, 184, 235, 0.8)',
pointPadding: 0.1,
groupPadding: 0.1,
color: 'rgba(132, 184, 235, 0.8)',
yAxis: 1,
stacking: 'normal',
showInLegend: false,
animation: false,
dataGrouping: {
enabled: true,
groupPixelWidth: 3,
approximation: 'sum'
area: {
animation: false,
lineWidth: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.3,
series: {
animation: false,
lineWidth: 1,
dataGrouping: {
enabled: true,
groupPixelWidth: 3,
approximation: 'close'
candlestick: {
color: 'red',
upColor: 'green',
lineColor: 'green',
upLineColor: 'red',
dataGrouping: {
enabled: true,
groupPixelWidth: 12,
approximation: 'ohlc'
legend: {
enabled: true,
y: 0,
padding: 0,
series: [
name: _t('Avg.') + ' ' + CoinChart.fromShowSymbol + CoinChart.prefSymbol,
type: candleView ? 'candlestick' : 'area',
data: price,
zIndex: 2,
}, {
name: _t('Total volume'),
type: 'column',
data: volume,
zIndex: 0,
id: 'mainvolume'
}].concat(other_coin_id ? [{
zIndex: 1,
id: 666,
visible: false,
name: _t('Avg.') + ' ' + CoinChart.fromShowSymbol + other_coin_symbol,
type: 'area',
data: otherprice,
fillOpacity: 0,
yAxis: 2
}] : []),
CoinChart.select_chart = function(e) { = e;
CoinChart.redraw_historic_chart = function(start, end) {
var chart = $('#historical-chart').highcharts();
$.getJSON('/api/history?f=' + CoinChart.fromSymbol + '&t=' + CoinChart.prefSymbol + '&start=' + start +
'&end=' + end + '&exchange=' + JSON.stringify( + '&callback=?', function (data) {
var chartdata = {};
var minValue = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
var other_coin_symbol = data['other_symbol'];
var minValue2 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
var ex_count = 0;
var disabled_mask = {};
for (var ut in data['data']) {
for (var ex in data['data'][ut]) {
if (chartdata[ex] == undefined) {
chartdata[ex] = {0:[], 1:[]};
if ((ex + "").substring(0, 1) != 'c' && data['data'][ut][ex][4] < minValue) minValue = data['data'][ut][ex][4];
if ((ex + "").substring(0, 1) == 'c' && data['data'][ut][ex][4] < minValue2) minValue2 = data['data'][ut][ex][4];
if (data['data'][ut][ex][0] == "null") {
chartdata[ex][0].push([parseInt(ut), null, null, null, null]);
} else {
chartdata[ex][0].push([parseInt(ut), data['data'][ut][ex][2], data['data'][ut][ex][3],
data['data'][ut][ex][4], data['data'][ut][ex][0]]);
chartdata[ex][1].push([parseInt(ut), data['data'][ut][ex][1] == "null" ? null : data['data'][ut][ex][1]]);
var charttype = chart.series[0].type;
while(chart.series.length > 0) {
if (!chart.series[0].visible) {
disabled_mask[chart.series[0].name] = 1;
exs = Object.keys(chartdata);
if (chartdata[-1] != undefined) {
exs = ["-1"].concat(exs.filter(function(item) { return item != -1}));
var default_color = true;
for (var ix = 0; ix < exs.length; ix++) {
if ((exs[ix] + "").substring(0, 1) != 'c' && exs[ix] != -1) default_color = false;
for (var ix = 0; ix < exs.length; ix++) {
ex = exs[ix];
hasvolume = true;
if ((ex + "").substring(0, 1) == 'c') {
name = _t('Avg.')+ ' ' + CoinChart.fromShowSymbol + other_coin_symbol;
hasvolume = false;
if (disabled_mask[name] == undefined) {
disabled_mask[name] = true;
} else if (ex == -1) {
name = _t('Avg.') + ' ' + CoinChart.fromShowSymbol + CoinChart.prefSymbol;
} else {
name = window.ALL_EXCHANGES[ex][0];
name: name,
type: hasvolume ? charttype : 'line',
data: chartdata[ex][0],
yAxis: hasvolume ? 0 : 2,
visible: disabled_mask[name] ? false : true,
id: hasvolume ? null : 666,
zIndex: charttype == 'candlestick' ? 1 : 0,
colorIndex: ix
if (hasvolume) {
series = {
name: (ex == -1 ? _t('Total') :
window.ALL_EXCHANGES[ex][0]) + ' '+ _t('volume'),
type: 'column',
data: chartdata[ex][1],
zIndex: 0,
id: ex == -1 ? 'mainvolume' : null
if (ex != -1) {
var magic = chart.series.length - 1;
if (ix == 0) magic = 0;
if (!default_color && ex_count > 1) {
series['color'] = chart.series[chart.series.length - 1].color;
series['borderColor'] = chart.series[chart.series.length - 1].color;
chart.legend.update({enabled: true});
} else {
chart.series[chart.series.length - 1].update({fillOpacity:0.2});
if (hasvolume) {
chart.yAxis[0].setExtremes(minValue, null);
chart.yAxis[2].setExtremes(minValue2, null);
CoinChart.updateGraphCustomLabels = function(chart) {
updateGraphCustomLabels(CoinChart.graph_delta, chart, CoinChart.prefShortSymbol);
CoinChart.afterSetExtremes = function(e) {
if (e.dataMin == null || e.dataMax == null ||
(Math.abs(e.dataMin - e.min) <= 1200000 && Math.abs(e.dataMax - e.max) <= 120000)) {
CoinChart.redraw_historic_chart(Math.round(e.min), Math.round(e.max));
CoinChart.maybeRefreshChart = function () {
var now = get_timestamp() * 1000;
var chart = $('#historical-chart').highcharts();
if (chart && now - chart.xAxis[0].max < 600 * 1000) {
// upper bound is within the last 10 minutes, let's ajax refresh the last day's worth of data
// except the last data point (stream-updated)
$.getJSON('/api/history?f=' + CoinChart.fromSymbol + '&t=' + CoinChart.prefSymbol + '&callback=?', function (data) {
var db_values = {};
for (var ut in data['data']) {
d = data['data'][ut];
db_values[parseInt(ut)] = {
'ohlc': [parseInt(ut), d[-1][2], d[-1][3], d[-1][4], d[-1][0]],
'volume' : [parseInt(ut), d[-1][1] == "null" ? null : d[-1][1]]};
var cdata = chart.series[0];
for (var ix = 0; ix < cdata.length - 1; ix++) {
if (db_values[cdata[ix][0]] != undefined) {
cdata[ix] = db_values[cdata[ix][0]]['ohlc'];
} else if (ix > 0 && cdata[ix-1][4] != cdata[ix][1]) {
// Fix prev-close = new-open
cdata[ix][1] = cdata[ix-1][4];
chart.series[0].setData(cdata, true, true, false);
if (chart.get('mainvolume') != undefined) {
var vdata = chart.get('mainvolume');
for (var ix = 0; ix < vdata.length; ix++) {
if (db_values[vdata[ix][0]] != undefined) {
vdata[ix] = db_values[vdata[ix][0]]['volume'];
chart.get('mainvolume').setData(vdata, true, true, false);
CoinChart.live_update_chart = function(price) {
if (price == undefined) return;
CoinChart.current_price = price;
var now = get_timestamp() * 1000;
var chart = $('#historical-chart').highcharts();
if (chart && now - chart.xAxis[0].max < 600 * 1000 && CoinChart.chartShowsAvg) {
var cdata;
cdata = chart.series[0];
// pad price data until now:
last_ut = cdata[cdata.length - 1][0];
last_ut_price = cdata[cdata.length - 1][4]
now_ut = now - (now % 60000);
var padded = false;
while (last_ut < now_ut) {
// padding..
last_ut += 60000;
cdata.push([last_ut, last_ut_price, last_ut_price, last_ut_price, last_ut_price]);
padded = true;
// pad volume data until now:
if (chart.get('mainvolume') != undefined) {
var vdata = chart.get('mainvolume');
vlast_ut = vdata[vdata.length - 1][0];
var vpadded = false;
while (vlast_ut < now_ut) {
// padding..
vlast_ut += 60000;
vdata.push([vlast_ut, null])
vpadded = true;
if (vpadded) {
chart.get('mainvolume').setData(vdata, true, true, false);
if (CoinChart.chartType == 'area') {
cdata[cdata.length - 1][1] = price;
} else if (cdata.length > 1) {
// Fix close-open
cdata[cdata.length - 1][1] = cdata[cdata.length - 2][4];
// update with latest price data
price = parseFloat(price);
cdata[cdata.length - 1][2] = Math.max(price, cdata[cdata.length - 1][2]);
cdata[cdata.length - 1][3] = Math.min(price, cdata[cdata.length - 1][3]);
cdata[cdata.length - 1][4] = price;
chart.yAxis[3].update({tickPositions:[CoinChart.isLog ? Math.log10(price) : price]});
chart.series[0].setData(cdata, true, true, false);
if (price < chart.yAxis[0].getExtremes().min) {
chart.yAxis[0].setExtremes(price * 0.999, null);
if (padded) {
chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes(chart.xAxis[0].min, now_ut);
} else if (chart) {
var Converter = function() {
return {
from_id: 0,
to_id: 0,
init: function() {
// init quick search
$.get('/searchable_items_json?converter=1', 'json', function(data) {
var converter_search_options = {
source: data,
autoSelect: true,
items: 3,
afterSelect: function(item) {
if (this.$element[0].id == 'converter_from') {
Converter.from_id =;
} else
if (this.$element[0].id == 'converter_to') {
Converter.to_id =;
highlighter: function(item) {return item;},
sorter: function(items) {
var symbolBegins = [];
var nameBegins = [];
var contains = [];
var query = this.query.toLowerCase();
var item;
while ((item = items.shift())) {
var symbol = item.symbol.toLowerCase();
var name =;
if (symbol.indexOf(query) == 0) {
} else if (name.indexOf(query) == 0) {
} else {
return symbolBegins.concat(nameBegins, contains);
// enable
$('#converter input.form-control').prop('disabled', false);
$('#converter button').prop('disabled', false);
convert: function() {
if (Converter.from_id == 0) {
$('#conversion').html('Please enter the From currency');
if (Converter.to_id == 0) {
$('#conversion').html('Please enter the To currency');
if (Converter.to_id == Converter.from_id) {
$('#conversion').html('Please select different currencies');
type: 'POST',
url: '/get_price',
data: 'coin1=' + Converter.from_id + '&coin2=' + Converter.to_id,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
amount = parseFloat($('#converter_amount').val());
if (!amount) {
amount = 1;
converted = format_price(data.price * amount);
s = '' + amount + ' ' + data.coin1_symbol + ' = ' + converted + ' ' + data.coin2_symbol + '';
s += '
More precisely: ' + format_price_exact(data.price * amount) + '';